Love the sun :]

  1. Is there a range of styles and techniques? If not, what is missing?

A lot is missing, too many star pieces, so hoping to replace a few pieces to give it more of a range of styles and techniques.

  1. What needs work/reshooting?

Some of the pieces have changed and another needs a base so a few needs to be reshoot.

  1. Which pieces are strongest?

I think the flowers cause of the color, and the q-tips buildings.


codymdenham said...

the giraffe ashtray is my fav :))

Justin E said...

Diggin the collage :)they all look like they go together.

Nichole Deatherage said...

you should work a little more on the starfish in the right bottom corner.

Kayla Joy said...

i think you have good ideas on what you are trying to make and I like it :) however like you said i do think you have too many star pieces. Maybe if you like making stars elaborate on the idea that sorrounds stars like putting stars into something like a scuplture of hands with stars on it. :)