Think how good we could be at baseball if we didnt do art.....

some of my more recent scratchboards for el concentrationo.

got a couple more unphotographed bringing my final count to 14.5

Operation Concentration: Complete

Again, this shoot was for my concentration. I only used the the red flower one and the daisy one in my actual portfolio. Im glad to say my concentration is completely finished :)

Now I need to finish working on my breadth and quality

Concentration, lol.

Started as a watercolor sketch. Ended up being more loose than my usual style, but I still like it. Done with ink pens. Looks a little more finished in real life. Done with watercolor and ink pens. Tried to show perspective.


Here are three pieces from my concentration. All of them are acrylic and collage.

oh hai! im that guy. look so fly in my silk bow tie. dont know why, im built so fly, but i am- no lie. oh my.

soooo, like... this is what ive been working on. let me save you some breath, Melissa.. IT'S UNFINISHEDDDDD!



Okay, so far I have 10 pieces in progress. Right now I'm working on my tenth piece and it is more abstract than my others. My plan for the other two are to do a octpus skeleton painting and the other one is a suprise.


These are all for my concentration which is reflections. This one, I wrote on the mirror so on the reflection you can see some of the writing.
This one is a fish tank and I thought the way the reflection of the girl walking kinda looks like she is under water. It is a little grainy but I like the look for this picture.
This one I put a white flower on the mirror and had some drapery. I put a filter on it to make it the shadows be blacker and the whites brighter.

Guess what today is? It's....FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIED EGGS, FRIED EGGS.

It's Spring Break. But here's the kicker, I have no Spring Break. I start back at Clark on Monday and I've been at Evergreen my entire break from Clark. So, there is a price that I pay for my college endeavors.

But hey, I did some art. Because I had pneumonia and had plenty of time to art. Yes, art is a verb.

... I was on pharmeceuticals to combat my illness, and I found waterc0lor pencils and was absolutely mesmerized by this video of a Slow Loris lemur ( and then I found one of him with an umbrella. And I just could not get that little guy out of my head. So I drew him. I think I will name him Pete.

A part of my concentration. I just really love this piece. It was just a whimsical drawing at first, hence the sloppy damask background, but I just ended up loving it. I used India & writing ink (hence the purple-blue hues in some shading). It seems as though I am becoming more loose as the year progresses.

I wanted to do one from above... and I like checkers... and I just decided to do this with India ink. So...Yep. Another thing I seem to be noticing in my concentration is the use of pattern to break up negative and positive spaces in areas that aren't dominated by a subject, especially to avoid having large amounts of black or white which would make the piece bland for the type of concentration I'm going for.

On a related note, I have more than 12 of each. So, hey, I could be done but I'm continuing to work to filter out some older things that I don't exactly like anymore.