
Looks like some of you are getting some great work done while I've been gone! Some of you... not so much. You should have turned in your AP agreement and paid your deposit by now. All students are required to create a portfolio, so make sure that's done or you will receive NC in this class.

I received login information from three of you, hopefully the rest of you have also registered for the AP site and written your password in a safe place. Feel free to start uploading slides and writing your concentration statement; you will not forward these on until May, and you can change or delete anything between now and then.

You have about two months to get everything finished, so I hope you have all been working hard and have at least half of your concentrations and all of breadth done by now. Your weekends are no longer your own!

This is what I've been up to:
Such a cutie! See you in April.


Lexa said...

He's adorable :)

I did notice, though, that you continued the "J" pattern of familial names... But it's such a cute name, it doesn't matter, it's so tastefully done. Your secrecy in the name made me assume something absolutely abstract, you definitely surprised many of us.

Can't wait for you to be back, we all miss you. Okay, I do. But that's pretty much the same thing.

Delaney doesn't know how to use Blogger, and we upload our own slides. I think we all appreciate all the little things you did for us in addition to the big things.

M. Timko said...

Lexa, I just saw this! Thanks for making a lady feel appreciated :)