Deadline Postponed

Late yesterday, AP announced officially that they pushed back the deadline to Wednesday due to all of the technical troubles people are having with their website. I was able to get on the site this morning, and it was working just fine for me. About half of you, at this point, have everything done and uploaded, and I've forwarded those to AP. The rest of you have until tomorrow night to finish, because even though the deadline is now Wednesday, we are sending off everything Monday morning. Mr. Getsinger, the AP coordinator from district office, is coming down during 2nd period on Monday to forward everything, so it needs to be done and uploaded by then. A couple of you need to revise your essays and check a couple of fuzzy slides, so please show up by 7 am Monday so that I can help you with this.

Your other teachers, administrators, and I am blown away by the quality of your artwork! You guys are very talented, and I can't wait until your scores start coming in. Usually they will get your portfolios back to you in late June, and your scores are mailed separately, around mid-July. Unless you email me or post them here, I won't see them until school starts in September, so send me an email, or post them here if you feel like sharing with everyone.

Congratulations on being (mostly) done! See you all Monday morning...