Jesse Reno!

Jesse Reno works mostly with oil pastels, acrylics, and some sort of pencil; his site does not say what kind. I would describe his artwork as amazing! He finds many ways to interpret many different ideas into one piece and that’s sort of what I try to do with my pieces. He gives out a message with his pieces and when I start a piece I usually think what could this piece say. I like that his pieces are original, they’re very unique. I also like that he interprets his heritage with modern day ideas but makes it his own visual representation of what it looks like. His pieces make me think of him as a modern day caveman, I think it’s because of his style and because words were interpreted through pictures back in the day. This might influence my work by giving me a goal to aim for. He’s pretty much found his style it’s very clear through all his pieces that it has the “Jesse Reno” touch and that’s something I have to work for. As well as that I have to work with mixing Medias, which is something I suck at. But practice makes perfect! His work inspires me to encourage random thoughts into my drawings, if that made any sense at all. Above is a picture of him and one of his art pieces that i found on his site As you can see it has a wide variety of values and colors, amazing huh?