Breaking News: Evergreen AP Art's Choir Has Beiber Fever!

This is an acrylic painting on canvas paper that I did over the summer. I kind of had this weird kick with paper cranes, which proved ironic considering the first assignment in AP art turned out to pertain to oragami. Yes, I painted that whole background myself. Yes, it took a long time.

I also had this strange obsession with this acrylic cerulean paint I bought in June. I painted a ton of things in monochromatic, but for this I thought that a drippy red scarf would contrast the blue considerably. In all actuality, I just got lazy and had fun with it. I don't regret it. It's not my strongest summer work, and it needs a new slide.

Here's another example of my obsession with the cerulean paint. It was actually layered about a thousand times on bristol paper. It's the first painting I did over the summer. Also needs a new slide.