This is Raphaelesque Head Exploding by Salvador Dali, 1951. It's a surreal oil painting on canvas. Salvador Dali (1904-89) was a surrealist painter born in Spain, who also worked with film, sculpture, and photography; he worked with Walt Disney on a short film, and with Alfred Hitchcock on Spellbound. His most known work is The Persistence of Memory (also known as the "Melting Clocks").
I love the depth and imagination of this piece. Dali uses abstract solutions to suggest form, and adds greater interest by twisting the view at the top of the piece. I like to draw portraits, but I can't imagine working at Dali's level of surrealism. His paintings challenge me to try new ways of thinking with art. I'd like to make a portrait in this style, or maybe expand on this idea for a concentration.
This reminds me a little bit of Graeme Base's work in Anamalia and The 11th Hour.
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