Saber was born in Los Angeles, California a "couple" decades ago. at the tender age of thirteen his cousins took him to the infamous Belmont tunnel where he was introduced to the art of graffiti. Growing up he painted illegally on anything he could with anything he could get his hands on. The young Saber soon got into a lot of trouble with the law and started to lay low to work on his skills as a fine artist. While painting graffiti is his main focus he is also well know or his deep and surreal landscapes which he says, "Come from dark places in my psyche." Saber also works with wood and metals to create the sharp, abstract letter forms which he is so well known for.
Saber's most well known and profound piece is the humungous piece he did in the L.A. River which can be seen from Google Earth. The whole process took place in 1997 and took him a total of 35 nights and over 100 gallons of paint. This piece is 100% illegal and is now a huge part in the history of Los Angeles graffiti.
Saber's work has most definetly influenced me as an artist. His deeply creative letter style and vast artistic abilities have not only affected me as an artist but opened my mind to what there is to do with my art. i hope to do a piece this year that really reflects Saber's art and his overall flavor.
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