Alli :)

Hello fellow art people. My name is Alli. I am a senior and evergreen high school and this blog is for my AP Art Studio class. I enjoy all Artsy things including; Music, Photography, Drawing, Painting, etc. All though drawing and painting is not my strong suit unless you consider finger painting and stick figures talent. My real passion is Music and Photography. I have taken both these classes (Choir & Photography) at Evergreen and i have also taken guitar lessons and singing classes outside of school.. One thing about art is that you can go any where in the world and find it. For instance, I traveled to Paris, France with a group of art students and teachers from my school to explore the art and culture of the French. While traveling there i found that i dont have a favorite artist..why you might ask...Well i believe that each artist has there own unique indiviuality. So therefore, i dont have one. I like them all :) thank you for reading my thoughts :)