Art link

I found a pretty extensive online gallery at the Yale University website. You can view photos and descriptions of paintings, prints, photos, and mostly sculptures in several categories like Modern/Contemporary, Early European, African, Ancient, American Decorative, Ancient America, Coins/Medals, etc.

It's like getting all the benifits of a museum visit without the hassles of cost, transportation, sore feet, boredom, or crazy Portlanders like the drunk Italian man my friend and I met during the summer on our way to a museum, "heayy heayyy ask mea why Imma goin te the park..... DUHH! becuz thers BELLYDANCERS!" ::man staggers away in opposite direction of park::

There's also an interesting section with statements on subjects about art like "What is art and why does it matter?" or "Can Art be criticized on ethical grounds?"


M. Timko said...

You're killin' me! This is awesome.