Jackee's Art Shizzam!!!

Junior year second semester during Delaney's 6th period. The assignment was to make something organic. I decided to make a starfish, the white glaze didn't turn out glossy but still made the starfish look nice giving it more texture.

Made this Junior year, it was the last assignment we did in Delaney's 6th period. I was a bit lost on what to do with paint, glaze wouldn't have turned out too well (i was also out of time) so this is my first time using acrylic paint in pottery.

Also made during my Junior year in Delaney's class. I like the color a lot but the glaze was a hassle to use, it would dry and then peel off by itself.... so I ended up repainting this piece over 3 times before it was safely put into the kiln for final firing.