So Far....

I tried to do a couple of pieces for my concentration but I'm just running out of inspiration. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I made a small square 5x5 tile with a moon in the upper left corner, a cat in the bottom right and vines moving throughout it. It's kinda warped and not that high quality so I most likely will not use it for my portfolio at all.... I tried to make a Puss n' Boots like cat but it failed miserably so I turned it into yet another fat cat that I think I will turn into a bookend....
Anyways that's as far as I got on my concentration pieces. I think I'm done. Eight is enough for my Portfolio. I may do one more skinny one because I have too many fat ones... But that's it I believe...
I'm also currently working on a bust of a native African woman that I hope to finish this week at home. She will not have hair and she will be decked out in glass beads instead of making clay jewelry I think...


M. Timko said...

That sounds like a great addition to your concentration! I look forward to seeing more breadth pieces. Make sure you get your work in the kiln this week. We are coming up on our deadline and you will need time for glazing.

Unknown said...

I really like the blue skinny cat that you did. I think another skinny one would look great :)

Alicia said...

Perhaps glazing some different colors and textures can make the pieces you feel are too similar more unique from eachother. Perhaps adding little things on the side like a ball of yarn or a basket the cat can be sleeping in can vary it up too?

Chris F... said...

I think you should look up some stock images of cats on, or something like that. Its a great place to get some inspirado.