It's Spring Break. But here's the kicker, I have no Spring Break. I start back at Clark on Monday and I've been at Evergreen my entire break from Clark. So, there is a price that I pay for my college endeavors.
But hey, I did some art. Because I had pneumonia and had plenty of time to art. Yes, art is a verb.
... I was on pharmeceuticals to combat my illness, and I found waterc0lor pencils and was absolutely mesmerized by this video of a Slow Loris lemur ( and then I found one of him with an umbrella. And I just could not get that little guy out of my head. So I drew him. I think I will name him Pete.
A part of my concentration. I just really love this piece. It was just a whimsical drawing at first, hence the sloppy damask background, but I just ended up loving it. I used India & writing ink (hence the purple-blue hues in some shading). It seems as though I am becoming more loose as the year progresses.
I wanted to do one from above... and I like checkers... and I just decided to do this with India ink. So...Yep. Another thing I seem to be noticing in my concentration is the use of pattern to break up negative and positive spaces in areas that aren't dominated by a subject, especially to avoid having large amounts of black or white which would make the piece bland for the type of concentration I'm going for.
On a related note, I have more than 12 of each. So, hey, I could be done but I'm continuing to work to filter out some older things that I don't exactly like anymore.