This is a self portrait of me obviously. I went back to the basics and used graphite for the entire piece. I don't quite feel like it's completely finished but I dont know what to add.. any suggestions?
I want a real turtle
Sea turtle done with watercolor, ink, and color pencils. I think i need to retake this slide cause the water in the painting isnt that color of blue.
I did this drawing of a clown last year in advance drawing. Its done in graphite and there are hidden images in it.
I painted this Rhino a looong time ago but it is one of my favorite paintings. It is done in water color and ink. I want to also retake this slide because it looks yellow.
The Seagull and the Tortilla
This is the painting deemed inappropriate. Acrylic on bristol paper. And, in the words of Mihai, I painted this. There needn't be any confusion now.
I also painted these lemurs. I don't have an unhealthy obsession, and I don't know what you're talking about.
For breadth, I just did a general graphite drawing of a female human being whose hair is blowing in the breeze.
Oh, look, no blue people...
Oohh La La
So these are kind of random pictures but oh well
Flag Picture: I took this at Seaside Oregon during the Wheels and Waves Car Show. I used a wide angle lens.
Self Portrait: So I was really bored one day and just decided to do some self portraits with this lamp I have. I took off the lampshade and went into my bathroom and just started shooting. I actually really like how it turned out
Peacock Feather: This was an idea for my concentration which is Patterns in Nature. Again I used the light box for this. I think this is one of my bests for my concentration.
Why am i not asleep?
this is my latest concentration piece that makes number 6 =p
number 5 of concentration
advanced draw final from last year done in chalk pastel. Breadth maybe?