New piece for concentration, one of my favorites so far. this is piece 6, have another two others done, and one in the works, and two more ready to go. india ink.
re shoot of an older concentration piece. graphite and colored pencils
This was a project I did for advanced drawing where drew and up close view of a faucet knob. Used the object itself rather than a picture. Used a graphite stick.
Another project where I used a grid to make my to blow up a filtered picture of myself. Done in pastel.
Used ink. I was going to make the guy taking the mask of cause I drew this really funny looking face, but I decided it would e more interesting if i did the opposite.
This an Abstract piece I did over the weekend, It started in my sketchbook but i dont think it turned out the way I wanted it too. If I have enough time to make another piece to replace this than this wont go in my portfolio.
I love this one. I started painting with watercolor and than I decided to add people and trees in marker. :) One of my sketchbook pages This is Tory, I did this piece in advance drawing :)
This isn't facing the right direction. I used sharpies on drawing paper. It's for concentration.
This is for concentration. I used acrylic on canvas paper. I need to go back over the yellow designs on the lion again.
I can't remember if I already posted this or not, but just in case I didn't.. It's half of my ring then half of a baboons face, and I used acrylic on canvas.
This is for breadth, I made it with charchaol and I used a reference picture.