What is tragic about you??

I realize that this is wayyy after the fact, but I have not written in our blog in quite some time. I am at a point in my concentration where I have finished my very favorite ideas. I have six pieces completely done and ready to turn in, but you know how there is ALWAYS something more that could be done? Well, I seem to keep focusing on that on the ones that are actually finished because I just like the piece so much. What I need to do is move on and stop being a chicken. Dang. I just started my seventh concentration piece today in class and so far I just think it looks cluttered, but I am just going to keep tweaking it and adding and taking away and see what happens. That's how great art comes about anyways right?? (Tell me if I'm wrong!) Anywho, I have six backgrounds done, so technically all twelve are at least started. This is good news. I have decided that I have used any tragedies that are worth painting that are directly from my life. Don't get too personal on me, but if you have any tragic stories you have experienced or heard, please tell me! I have a murder, an abortion, an arrest, a death by natural disaster, a kid hit by a truck, a car accident, a having to move sadness picture, and a serious surgery one... WHAT ELSE?? I might do one that is abstract and representative of a national tragedy. (9/11 or the war in Iraq??)


I need ideas! :]

(There's a few of my pieces... even already a few things have been changed on some since we started back to school...)

Spring Break

Erm, the posting layout's being weird.

I have thumbnails of most the remaining pieces I need to do and am starting a couple that I will work on at home. For most of my spring break I was in Costa Rica, and then the days immediately following I've been suffering from outer ear infections I suspect developed in the barely chlorinated pools at the last resort we stayed at. Anyway, although I did not have enough luggage space or time to work on my pieces there I did have the chance to take some lovely reference pictures. I'll be using one or more of the pictures I took for my final "happy" piece depicting a lift in attitude out of suicidal depression. At the moment I have two that are the finalists. I'm leaning towards the second one depicting a rainbow amid rain, but suggestions would be appreciated.

I also got a couple good bug shots I thought Preston might possibly be interested in. The First one's of a butterfly...on me, and the next two are specimen trays of bugs found in a rainforest reserve we visited. By the way those moths in picture 2 are a comparable size to my hand, and the beetles on the left in picture 3 the width of about two fingers.

Here's some other pictures I thought might interesting to fellow art folk. I took these when we visited an old timey wood shop with power tools powered by a water wheel. Oh and the painting in all the following pictures were painted Freehand which I thought was awesome.

So Far....

I tried to do a couple of pieces for my concentration but I'm just running out of inspiration. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I made a small square 5x5 tile with a moon in the upper left corner, a cat in the bottom right and vines moving throughout it. It's kinda warped and not that high quality so I most likely will not use it for my portfolio at all.... I tried to make a Puss n' Boots like cat but it failed miserably so I turned it into yet another fat cat that I think I will turn into a bookend....
Anyways that's as far as I got on my concentration pieces. I think I'm done. Eight is enough for my Portfolio. I may do one more skinny one because I have too many fat ones... But that's it I believe...
I'm also currently working on a bust of a native African woman that I hope to finish this week at home. She will not have hair and she will be decked out in glass beads instead of making clay jewelry I think...


I haven't done anymore pieces since last week, but i have six pieces done and have taken new photographs for pieces i DO want to do....i can't post them though because they're "naughty" and i don't know if timko would aprove so....yeah.....I've done a lot of planning though :)

Spring Break Work

Over the break, I have gotten 5 out of 7 concentration pieces done. And 2 more breath pieces. I also have 3 layouts for my future concentration pieces planed out.

The concentration pieces I've got done:
Kurt Cobain, Karate, Pole Vaulter, Delaney and the Surfer. The other 2 pieces are of Amanda and Timko, there about done. My future pieces are 2 pieces of Amanda and that one dude with the computer I drew, that's hanging in his office. I forgot his name.

The Breath pieces I've got done:
Color pencils and charcoal of Stairs, and I want to use the "E" project that I did of the portables at the end of last year in Adv. Draw.

Timko, I hope your surgery went well. I will do your walking for you.

Thanks and have a great day.


So, I'm having trouble on a few things with my concentration. I really enjoy doing life like bugs but, I don't know how to transform it into a more in depth series of work. I have 5 pieces done already (all photo realistic bugs). I wanted to make my concentration into all type of the meaning "bug", such as the flu, real bugs, etc. If anyone knows how I can incorporate the pieces I already have done to what I'm trying to do I would really appreciate it.

To: Chris :)

I like how your only using color on the zombies, I think you should work from the first zombie one you did in class(the colors not composition), I thought the way you put the colors next to eachother i guess you would call that contrast was interesting and it caught my attention, k i hope you know what i'm talking about (can you post a picture of that one too?). some ideas....maybe try placing the zombies in normal almost boring positions for example two bloody zombies on a date sharing a milkshake or a zombie mowing the lawn you know just normal day to day things :) you can email me if you want -sophiaharo@Live.com

ps. I would try paint too, it looks like you used colored marker

Charmeleon! I choose you!

For my spring break I have been continuing my zombie concentration. Some challenges were thinking of scenarios and actions for my zombies. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some pieces that i could do? Any comments, concepts, or ideas for scenarios would be very helpfull. Something else that is still challenging is getting a complete range of value that works well.
I am currently working on a picture of a women about to annihilate the back of a zombies head. The story is he was her husband but now is of the undead affiliation. I guess some success is i can already tell my technique and detail is getting better, I just finished a piece of my friend about to eat another, which is to the right this paragraph.

Spring break Update

My progress will not be done due to lack of concentration subjects. I need pictures of people I know to continue, which I have none. 

I do have more breadth peices to enter, so I do have than to contribute. 

As for the AP test,

Im broke therefor I cannot buy a test, what is in store for me now? Do I not qualify for the credit or do I only receive a grade for the class? Email me? I dont check this, its not on my important list haha. 
